How to use autocorrect in word
How to use autocorrect in word

how to use autocorrect in word

Click the First Letter tab, and then type the abbreviation (including the period) in the.To capitalize a word you type after a specific abbreviation: Do one or more of the following to prevent AutoCorrect from:

how to use autocorrect in word

  • On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.
  • To prevent specific capitalization and spelling corrections:

    how to use autocorrect in word

    Using AutoCorrect To Fix Capitalization and Typos In the With box, type the correct spelling of the word – for example, type Oracle.Ĥ. In the Replace box, type a word or phrase that you often mistype or misspell – for example, type Oralce.ģ. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.Ģ. To add an autocorrect entry, follow these steps:ġ. Using AutoCorrect To Fix Mistakes In Documents Spelling checker corrections – AutoCorrect can use corrections that are generated by the spelling checker’s main dictionary.You can easily remove unwanted entries or add your own entries. AutoCorrect entries – AutoCorrect can use a list of built-in corrections, called AutoCorrect entries, to detect and correct typos, misspelled words, and common symbols.Capitalization options – AutoCorrect can capitalize the first word in a sentence, the names of days of the week, the first letter of text in a table cell, and so on.Here are three ways to use AutoCorrect to fix errors in your technical documents: It takes a bit of tweaking to get it right, but worth the effort in the long run. Do you keep making the same mistakes when typing? Microsoft Word has a couple of built-in features that fixes your mistakes as you type.

    How to use autocorrect in word